Sunday, March 5, 2017


 Today I want to share the difference between Ante and Blinds.

Ante and Blinds are both forced bets.

Ante is a bet that everyone in the game must make in order to stay at the table. It forces there to always be  at least some payout in the pot, increasing the relative value of playing a hand to folding. Additional the blinds are both collected from players to "seed" the pot with a single bet. But they are collected in different ways. 

When playing with an ante, all players have to give the same amount before they are allowed to see their cards. Thus, everyone has an equal stake in the current hand, and folding is less common in early betting rounds. (It's the "I already paid so I might as well stick around for another card" mentality.) Antes have the benefit of allowing players to sit out any hand (say, to go to the restroom or take a phone call) or even quite the game without any sense of unfairness.

Blinds are a different way of dividing up the ante so that only a few player are committed to the game before seeing their cards. They are generally split into big and small blinds. The big blind is the full 'ante' for the round. The small blind is a smaller sum. The blinds are bet before cards are dealt, but after seeing the initial cards, players can either fold, pay so that they have equaled the big blind, or place a higher bet. Blinds rotate around the table as well - each hand they move one player to the left, typically. In addition, they typically increase at scheduled intervals during a tournament.  

P.S Enjoy and play in

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